"Why so serious son?" is ringing in my ears still.
will the real heath ledger please stand up? now everybody knows heath ledger, unfortunately , though.
you are haunting my head.
the nolan brothers must have read thomas harris and of course much more because they have put The Joker right up there with Hannibal Lecter and Francis Dolarhyde.
Harvey Dent and Batman are left stunned by the joker. he has brought out the other side in them. very much like will graham harvey dent falls prey to the devil inside him. the joker takes menacing pleasure in tinkering with them. he doesnt plan, he just does things. "you are the schemers - and look where your schemes got you. i just do things and show people like you how pathetic their attempts at controlling things are.i am an agent of chaos. and chaos is fair."
the batman legend, the gadgets, the technology, the aura of evil and the icing on the cake - the joker.
this joker is a completely different animal. totally blew my mind. and its my stomachful of satisfaction that nolan brothers could identify that joker and made a part of the batman movie. superb job.
i ll write more when i have time.