Sunday, July 30, 2006

Solitary Sunday

Today I decided to lie my way to soltitude. Yes, got ready at 10 am (very early by sunday standards, if you ask me) and lied to my cousin and other roommates that I was going to Piyush's apartment. Off I went to watch "Lady in the water" , my second movie in last seven days. More than watching the movie, being all by myself was so heavy on my mind. I can almost feel my breathing outrightly erratic when I am surrounded in a room by 5 people (just people, okay, if 4 of them are smoking, I am dead). When I am on a road, filled with, no matter a hundred people walking up and down on it, all by myself, my breathing is relaxed. Sometimes there's this compulsive need to let thoughts flow random and wild and be alone...just naturally as they would like a river.
Anyway, so I watched lady in the water. I realised that the common motive of m night shyamalan movies or of his main character is emotional healing or physical salvation. In sixth sense, a small boy provides solace to dead souls, bruce willis is a hero who will help the needy in unbreakable, mel gibson will save his family thanx to his spirituality/beliefs in signs. Pardon me, I still havent watched the village. In each of his films however his style has been markedly different, the means to the salvage in the climax have also been different. It was communication with the dead in 6th sense and extra terrestrials in signs while unbreakable was more general in context of superpower and also it was different in the sense that it brought out the fact to the viewer that samuel l jackson and bruce willis stand at the two opposites. It is easy to confuse yourself and say that sixth sense was just a horror movie and signs was yet another movie on ET. The endings of all his films fill me up with immense warmth. The portrayal of the act of healing is very nice. It should fill the audience's heart with hope and peace. The scene in sixth sense when haley joel osment sits in a trolley and his mother pushes it and they both run on the road is one of my favourites. He opens his arms and breaths relief, with a wide smile on his face;its relaxing and invigorating.
Lady in the water is different again because the means to the salvage are different, its a bed time story this time but what sets it different still is that the savior (the Narf named Story) has to be protected. So its interesting when the savior is not superman, very human and touching. In all his films the heroes, haley joel osment,bruce willis,dallas howard, mel gibson, have their own dilemmas, problems, weaknesses, sufferings,they are not perfect, they too need to be helped (physically in the case of the latest one). Pace of this movie is faster than his previous ones. I hoped for better cinematography though. The film needed more meticulous work on the screen play. M night shyamalan is a good actor as well; Paul giamatti was amazing with the stuttering. But I do feel the movie could have been made a lot better. I know I am probably gonna end up watching it a couple of times more.

PS: I have finally realised that I cannot say a lie with confidence. gotta practice to be shamelessly forthright.No doubt written form of communication suits me better.

Current Mood: Pro active
Current Music: "Where's the party tonight?" - Kabhi Alvida na kehna ( I am just gonna listen to its songs ...i swear!)
"My Hump" - Black Eyed Peas

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